Wednesday 11 May 2011

Defeat Nokia, Samsung Now Top Vendors with Most Mobile Phone Sales in Europe

Samsung seems to be increasingly close totarget that once the introduction to theworld's largest mobile phone vendor in 2014 .

Based on data released by International Data Corporation (IDC), noted that in the first quarter of this year Samsung for the first time successfully overthrew the Nokia as a vendor with the most mobile phone sales in Europe.

In the report Samsung sold 13.2 million mobile phone units with a market share of about 29.3%, while Nokia is only able to sell 12.6 million units with 27.9% market share.

With so sturdy Samsung mobile phone sales in Europe, Nokia is now the mainstronghold is in the region of Asia and Africa.

However, that position could have experienced a shift, considering that the Finnishmobile phone vendor is currently in transition from Symbian to Windows Phone. WhileSamsung recently looked so vigorous brisk mobile phone market, starting from thebottom segment to target the upper segment.

Especially if we see tremendous potential with the growth of cheap Android phone inthe market of developing countries. Where Samsung is also listed as a fairlydominant player in this segment.

Just for additional information on the Nokia smartphone segment also dikangkangi byother competitors, namely Apple. Recorded in the first quarter of this year, Applemanaged to ship as many as 4.4 million units of smartphones with a market share of about 20.8%. As for Nokia in the same quarter only around 4.2 million units shippedwith 19.6% market share.

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