1 May 1998
Soeharto through the Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Information Hartono Alwi Dahlan said that the new reform could begin in 2003.
2 May 1998
- The statement was revised and later declared that Soeharto said the reforms could be done from now (1998).
- Students in Medan, Bandung, and Yogyakarta, welcomed the increase in fuel priceswith massive demonstrations. The demonstration addressed by the repressiveapparatus. In several campus clashes.
4 May 1998
Fuel prices jumped sharply to 71%, followed by 3-day riot in Medan with the victim at least 6 died.
7 May 1998
Cimanggis Incident: clashes between students and security forces occurred on the campus of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Jayabaya, Cimanggis, which left at least 52 students were taken to hospital Tugu Ibu, Cimanggis. Two of them shot in the neck and right arm, while the remaining injuries from rattan batons and irritated eyesdue to tear gas.
*Cimanggis Incident:
Cimanggis incident is an incident in clashes between students and security forcesoccurred on the campus of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Jayabaya,Cimanggis on Thursday, May 7, 1998, which left at least 21 students were taken tohospital Tugu Ibu, Cimanggis. Two of them shot in the neck and right arm, while theremaining injuries from rattan batons and irritated eyes due to tear gas.
Student Action Movement which demanded reforms were led by Donny Hendaris, an engineering student class 1994 which became the Coordinator post C which is the basis of the student movement Jayabaya University.
Two rubber bullets have also been successfully removed from a victim. To calm thesituation, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Ir Jayabaya Suyarto announced that noclasses for Friday.
This action could cause road Raya Bogor stop completely for more than 3 hours.
Similar clashes also occurred on the campus of the University Gunadarma, KelapaDua, when hundreds of students a combination of several universities in Depokstaged a free speech forum at Jalan Kelapa Dua. The clash occurred when studentsfrom the campus of the University of Jayabaya want to walk to campus Gunadarma adistance of about four miles, and were confronted by security forces. In connectionwith this event, YLBHI received reports that at least 52 students injured.
8 May 1998
Gejayan Incident: 1 student killed Yogyakarta.
*Gejayan Incident:
Gejayan incident also known as Tragedy of Yogyakarta, is a bloody clash of events onFriday, May 8, 1998 in the area Gejayan, Yogyakarta, in demonstrations demandingreform and the decline of President Suharto. The clashes lasted until the evening.Violence forces left hundreds injured, and one man, Moses Gatutkaca, died.
This incident started with demonstrations by some university students in Yogyakarta on May 8, 1998. 9:00pm demonstrations on the campus Institute for Science and Technology Akprind and at the National School of Technology (STTNAS) Yogyakarta. While on the campus of Ambassador Christian University also organizes discourse concerns actions which took place in the Atrium UKDW. Finished Friday prayers, at 1.00am, approximately 5000 students at the University of Gajah Mada in Yogyakarta held a demonstration at the roundabout GMU campus.The demonstration which took place in an orderly manner conveyed pernyataaan student concerns over economic conditions at that time that the monetary crisis, rejection of Suharto as president again, to protest rising prices, and urged for the implementation of reforms. At the same time that afternoon, hundreds of others are also doing a demonstration on campus page Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta and Yogyakarta State Teachers' Training College campus is located opposite. Here, the demonstrators also protested against the violent forces that occurred on May 5, 1998 (read: Mass People's clash with military forces), in those locations. By late afternoon they want to move towards the GMU campus to join a protest there. Apparently the security forces do not permit and face to face with students who join the community.
Clashes broke out around 5:00am. Hundreds of security officers forcibly dispersed by the raid which was opened by the Panzers spraying water and fire tear gas against protesters in front of the Hotel Radison, located at the junction between Jl. Gejayan and Jl. Colombo. Students and the public against officials with stones, firecrackers and even Molotov cocktails in the evening around Gejayan Road, which stretches from the intersection of Ring Road North Road to the crossroad of Jalan Jalan Adi Sutjipto and Urip Sumoharjo. This place became a battlefield between protestors with police officers who prevent them from joining the GMU.
The authorities blindly beating everyone who is on location, including street vendors and local residents. During the clashes took place apparatus to the pursuit of college students to enter the compound Sanata Dharma and the State Teachers' Training College, a number of campus facilities damaged when officers entered the campus complex.
This tension continued until the evening. Tense atmosphere and gunfire were heard until 10:00am. Some people are still fleeing, and some others are still stuck in the siege, police and soldiers. The mass of this besieged strictly isolated, with roads closed to the location. At 0:15 pm, an armored vehicle mass stormed back with tear gas.Massa tried to burn Panzers, but failed. Fire lit only briefly visible, then goes out again.
Around 9.30 am, the students were in posts PMI at Sanata Dharma, watchingpeople running the security forces chased and heard someone moaning in a locationwhich is about 50 meters from the Camp PMI. Half an hour later, when theatmosphere was calm again, Red Cross officials had visited the location of peoplemoaning, and found that someone was dying in the street. He no longer speak, his hand was broken twisted backwards. And his head was out of shape. From ear andnose of fresh blood to flow continuously. When taken to Panti Rapih hospital, he diedon his way. Of identity in his wallet, he was known to Moses Gatutkaca.
Meanwhile, a man named Slamet, a resident of Bantul also suffered severeconcussion in Panti Rapih. A student named Ariel Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, also suffered injuries all over his body, after officials were persecuted, hewas treated at Panti Rapih. An another hospitalized in Bethesda, not counting being treated at another hospital.
origin : indoprotest
9 May 1998
Suharto left for a week to Egypt to attend a summit meeting G-15. This is his last tripabroad as President.
12 May 1998
Trisakti Tragedy: 4 Trisakti University students were killed.
*Trisakti Tragedy:
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Trisakti tragedy |
Trisakti tragedy is the shooting, on May 12, 1998, to students during a demonstrationdemanding Soeharto stepped down from office. This incident killed four students at Trisakti University in Jakarta, Indonesia and dozens of others wounded.
Those who died are Eagle Noble Lesmana, Heri Hertanto, Hafidin Royan, andHendriawan Sie. They were shot on campus, hit by bullets in vital places like the head,neck, and chest.
Those who died are Eagle Noble Lesmana, Heri Hertanto, Hafidin Royan, andHendriawan Sie. They were shot on campus, hit by bullets in vital places like the head,neck, and chest.
Range time of Trisakti tragedy
- 10:30am to 10:45am
Peace rally Trisakti University academic community located in the parking lot before the building of M (House Syarif Thayeb) begins with the collection of all the civitas Trisakti consisting of students, professors, faculty and university officials and employees. Numbering about 6000 people in front of the pulpit.
10:45am to 11:00am
The action starts with free speech shows decline preceded the flag at half mast to the accompaniment of Indonesia Raya songs that echoed with the participants free speech, then followed a moment of silence as a sign of concern about the condition of the nation and the people of Indonesia today.
11:00am to 12:25pm
Action oration as well as free speech forum held with speakers both from faculty, staff and students. Action / event continues to run well and smoothly.
12:25pm to 12:30pm
The masses began to heat up, triggered by the presence of several members of the security forces just above the location of free speech (the overpass) and demanded to go down (long march) to the road with the aim of delivering their aspirations to members of Parliament. Then the masses headed to the gate at Jl. Jend. S. Parman.
12:30pm to 12:40pm
Task Force began full alert (concentrate and layering the front row of the gate) and organize the masses to march and to provide orderly and appeal to keep order at the time took to the streets.
12:40pm to 12:50pm
The gate opened and crowds began to walk out slowly toward the parliament building across campus Untar.
12:50pm to 1:00pm
Long march Terhadang student right in front of the entrance of West Jakarta Mayor's office by a barricade of police officers with shields and batons which consists of two layers of the line.
1:00pm to 1:20pm
Rows of leading task force to hold the masses, while some student representatives (Student Senate Trisakti University) conducts negotiations with leaders of commando forces (Dandim West Jakarta, Lt. Col. (Inf) A Emery, and Wakapolres West Jakarta).While negotiations took place, the masses continue to desire to move forward. On the other hand that kept the masses can not be held task force was blocked by rows of side moves forward from the right lane. In addition, the community also began to join the next long march.
1:20pm to 1:30pm
Negotiation team and explaining the results of negotiations in which the long march was not allowed on the grounds by the possibility of traffic congestion and can cause damage. Students are disappointed because they felt the action was a peaceful protest. The mass continued to press forward. On the other hand at almost the same time additional officers arrived Mass Control (Dal-Mas) were 4 trucks.
1:30pm to 2:00pm
Massa sits. Then do free speech spontaneous action on the road. Students held a peaceful demonstration in front of the former mayor of West Jakarta office. Calm situation without the tension between the authorities and students. While fellow students share rose to line officers. Meanwhile also came from Kodam Jaya additional officers and other police units.
2:00pm to 4:45pm
Negotiations continued with the commander (Dandim and police chief) with a breakthrough also sought to contact the MPR / DPR. While the pulpit also continue to run punctuated by shouting slogans and songs. Although it rained mass remained unmoved. What happened ultimately only mutual silent and wait for each other. Little by little the masses began to decrease and leading to the campus.
Police put police line. Student is about 15 meters from the line.
4:45 to 4:55pm
Student representative to announce the results of negotiations in which the agreement is good officials and students are equally backward. Mass initially refused but after persuaded by Mr. Dean of Faculty and Dean of the Faculty of Law Usakti, Adi Andojo SH, and chairman of the mass SMUT not move backwards.
4:55pm to 5:00 pm
Held talks with officials who proposed the student to return to the campus. Students moving into the campus calmly. Students demanded that the troops who lined retreat first. Police and Dandim Jakbar meet the wishes of students. Police Chief expressed his gratitude for the students was orderly. Students then dispersed gradually and orderly to the campus. It was raining down with rain.
Students are slowly moving backwards as well as officers. But suddenly a person called claiming to be alumni Mashud (actually never graduated) shouted out the words rough and dirty to the masses. It is what triggered the mass to move because the person is mistaken for a member of the undercover officer.
5:00pm to 5:05pm
Unscrupulous the mass chased and ran toward the line officers so that the masses catch up to the officer ranks. This raises the tension between the authorities and the mass of students. At the task force officer, chairman and chief kamtibpus Trisakti SMUT hold mass and the mass request to resign and the masses can be controlled for calm. Then head back Kamtibpus entered into negotiations with Dandim and police chief for both the mass of each student and apparatus for the equally backward.
5:05pm to 6:30pm
When the mass moves to retreat back into the campus, between the rows of officers there who poke fun and laugh and say dirty words on the mass of students so that most students re-turn directions. Three of the students got hooked and intend to attack the security forces but may be muted by the task force Usakti student.
At the same time sequence of forces directly attacking the mass of students with gunfire and tear gas throwing so that the masses of students panicked and ran toward campus. When panic occurs, officers who did the shooting blindly, throwing tear gas in almost every side street, beatings with truncheons and butts, penendangan and penginjakkan, and sexual harassment of women students.Including the Chairman SMUT who was among officials and the masses of the two students were shot by rubber bullets right waist.
Then came the motorized troops by wearing a vest that said equipment URC chase student to the campus gate and partly up to the flying bridge Grogol. While the other officers as he ran after mass student, was also arrested and persecuted some students and female students and just let students and female students lying in the middle of the road. Action continues with the invasion forces fired off a Trisakti directed to the front gate. While officers were on the bridge overpass to direct his shot towards the student who ran in the campus.
Then some officers who are under attack and move closer to the gate and make a formation ready to shoot the two lines (squatting and standing) and then opened fire on the students who are in college. With a focus shots resulted in casualties both wounded and dead. Who died instantly in the campus three men and one other person in the hospital a few people in critical condition. Meanwhile, injured and collapsed in a fire there are fifteen people. That the injury requires intensive care in hospital.
The authorities continued to shoot from outside. Dozens of tear gas was also thrown into the campus.
6:30pm to 7:00pm
A shot from the apparatus began to subside, his fellow students began to help evacuate victims who are placed in several different places to the hospital.
7:00pm to 7:30pm
Fellow students back to panic because it seems there are some dark forces dressed in forest (main park) and a sniper (sniper) on top of a building still under construction.Students ran back into the lecture hall or room ormawa or places that feel safe like a small mosque and to immediately extinguish the lights to hide.
7:30pm to 8:00pm
After seeing the situation a bit safer, students began to dare to come out adari room.Then going dialogue with the Dean of Faculty for certainty prompted their return to their homes. Negotiations occurred between the Dean of FE with Kol.Pol.Arthur Damanik, a result that students can return home provided a way out gradually (per 5 people). Students are guaranteed to come home safely.
8:00pm to 11:25pm
Although still in a state of fear and trauma of seeing his partner who fell victim, the students gradually come home.
Who have been seriously injured rushed to hospital Source Sane. Press conference by the leader of the university. Member of National Human Rights Commission came to the site
Press conference Jaya Commander Maj. Gen. Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters. Attending the press conference that military commander Maj. Gen. Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin Jaya, police chief Maj. Gen. (Pol) Hamami Nata, Rector Prof. Dr. Moedanton Moertedjo Usakti, and two members of Komnas HAM AA Baramuli and Bambang W. Soeharto.
13 May 1998
- Riots broke out in Jakarta in May 1998, riots also occurred in the city of Solo.
- Suharto, who was attending a meeting of developing countries G-15 in Cairo, Egypt,decided to return to Indonesia. Earlier, in the face to face meetings with the Indonesian community in Cairo, Suharto said he would resign from his post as president.
- Began the exodus of ethnic Chinese left Indonesia.
14 May 1998
- Demonstrations continued to increase in size in almost all cities in Indonesia,demonstrators besieged and occupied the parliament buildings in the area.
- Suharto, as quoted by the newspaper, says ready to resign if the people want. He saidit in front of the Indonesian community in Cairo.
- Riots in Jakarta continues, hundreds of people died from fires that occurred during theriots occurred.
15 May 1998
Done following the G-15 summit, President Suharto returned to their homeland andlanded on the ground Perdanakusuma Halim Airport in Jakarta, early morning dawn.By noon today, President Soeharto received Vice President BJ Habibie and a number of other senior state officials.
17 May 1998
Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Abdul Latif, do the shocking. He submitted a letter of resignation to President Suharto on the grounds of family problems,particularly the insistence of his children.
18 May 1998
- At 3:20 pm, the Assembly Speaker who is also chairman of Golkar Party, Harmoko,the House of Representatives, which is filled with thousands of students, with a firm voice declared, for the sake of national unity, the House leadership, both the Chairman and the Vice Chairman, President Soeharto resigned expect themselves in a wise and prudent. Harmoko that accompanied the Deputy Speaker of the House,namely Ismail Hasan Metareum, Syarwan Hamid, Abdul Gafur, and Fatimah Achmad.
- At 9:30 pm, four people coordinating minister (Minister Coordinator) received byPresident Soeharto in Cendana to report on progress. They also intend to use the occasion to suggest that the Seventh Development Cabinet was dissolved just, notin-reshuffle. The goal, so they are not elected again in the cabinet reform is not too"embarrassed". However, the intention was apparently already known by PresidentSoeharto. He immediately said, "This business is my business cabinet. " As a result,the proposal for the cabinet was dissolved not be delivered. Discussion turned to the problems that developed in the community.
- At 11:00 pm Minister of Defense / Armed Forces Commander General Wirantosuggests, ABRI considers the statement to the House leadership of PresidentSoeharto's resignation was the attitudes and opinions of the individual, although the statement was made collectively. Wiranto proposed the establishment of the "CouncilReform. "
- The first wave of students entering City FKSMJ and Forum pages and stay at the House of Parliament.
19 May 1998
- At 9 a.m. to 11:32 pm, President Suharto met scholars and public figures, namely PBNU chairman Abdurrahman Wahid, Emha Ainun Nadjib, Madjid Nucholish Paramadina Foundation Director, Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council AliYafie, Prof. Malik Fadjar (Muhammadiyah), Professor of Constitutional Law from theUniversity of Indonesia, Yusril Ihza Mahendra, KH Cholil Baidowi (Muslimin Indonesia), Sumarsono (Muhammadiyah), and Achmad Bagdja and Ma'ruf Amin from NU. The meeting, which lasted for almost 2.5 hours (extended from the original planwhich only 30 minutes) figures reveal that the last situation, where eleman society and the students still want Suharto's resignation. Suharto then propose the formation ofthe Reform Committee.
- President Suharto suggested, will soon hold the Seventh Development Cabinetreshuffle, and at once changed his name to the Reform Cabinet. The President also formed a Reform Committee. Nurcholish afternoon revealed that the idea of reshuffling the cabinet and formed the Reform Committee was purely of Suharto, andnot their proposal.
- At 16.30 pm, Coordinating Minister for economic affairs with the Minister of IndustryGinandjar Kartasasmita Mohamad Hasan reported to the President about the economic distribution of tissue damage due to acts of looting and arson. Togetherthey also participate Owned Enterprises Minister Tanri Abeng who will report aboutthe sale of a state that some devotees claimed to retreat. At that time, economic affairs coordinating minister also expressed a negative reaction of the senior economics; Emil Salim, Subroto, Arifin Siregar, Moh Sadli, and Frans Seda, Suhartoestablished the Committee on the planned reform and reshuffle his cabinet. They essentially said, the action playing for time.
- Thousands of students occupied the Parliament Building / MPR, Jakarta.
- Amien Rais invited the masses come to the National Monument to commemorate National Awakening Day.
- Reported clashes occurred in the demonstration at the University of Airlangga,Surabaya.
20 May 1998
- Amien Rais scrapped plans a massive demonstration at the monument, after 80,000 troops on alert in the area of the monument.
- 500,000 people demonstrated in Yogyakarta, including Sultan Hamengkubuwono X.Other large demonstrations also occurred in Surakarta, Medan, Bandung.
- Harmoko says Suharto should resign on Friday, May 22, or the parliament would be forced to choose a new president.
- At 2.30 pm, 14 ministers of economic affairs held a meeting at the House of Bappenas. Two other ministers, namely Mohamad Hasan and Finance Minister Fuad Bawazier not present. They agreed not willing to sit in the Reform Committee, or the Reform Cabinet reshuffle results. Initially there is a desire to convey the results of the meeting directly to President Soeharto, but finally decided delivered via a letter. The first paragraph of the letter, implicitly called for Suharto's resignation from office.Feeling abandoned, beaten, have made Soeharto had no choice but to decide to withdraw. The 14 ministers are Akbar Tandjung, AM Hendropriyono, Ginandjar Kartasasmita, Giri Suseno, Haryanto Dhanutirto, Justika Baharsjah, Kuntoro, Rachmadi Bambang Sumadhijo, Rahardi Ramelan, Subiakto Tjakrawerdaya, Sanyoto Sastrowardoyo, Sumahadi, Theo L. Sambuaga and Tanri Abeng.
- At 8:00 pm, the letter was then submitted to Colonel Sumardjono. The letter was then submitted to President Soeharto.
- Suharto then met with three former Vice-President; Umar Wirahadikusumah, Sudharmono, and Try Sutrisno.
- At 11:00 pm, Suharto ordered the adjutant to call Yusril Ihza Mahendra, Minister / State Secretary Saadillah Mursjid, and armed forces commander General Wiranto.Soeharto was determined to hand over power to Vice President BJ Habibie.
- Wiranto to three times back and forth Cendana-Office of the Minister of Defense to address the decision of Soeharto. Wiranto need to speak with the Chief of Army Staff of the Armed Forces attitude that will be decided in response to Soeharto's decision to resign. After reaching an agreement with Wiranto, Suharto and Habibie's call.
- At 11:20 pm, Yusril Ihza Mahendra met with Amien Rais. During the meeting, Yusril said that Suharto would resign from office. the words are delivered by Yusril that, "The old man most probably has resigned." Yusril also informed that the announcement will be made Soeharto May 21, 1998 at 09:00 pm. The news was provided also to Nurcholish Madjid, Emha Ainun Najib, Utomo Danandjaya, Syafii Ma'arif, Djohan Effendi, H Amidhan, and others. Then they immediately held a meeting at the headquarters of peaceful reform leaders in Central Jakarta Jalan Indramayu 14, which is the official residences of the Director General of Islamic Institutions Development, Ministry of Religious Affairs, Malik Fadjar. There Cak Nur - close calls Nurcholish Madjid - formulate provisions which must be submitted to a new government.
21 May 1998
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Suharto reads his address of resignation at Merdeka Palace on 21 May 1998, accompanied by Vice President B. J. Habibie, who succeeds him. |
- At 1:30 pm, Central Board of Muhammadiyah chairman Amien Rais and scholarNurcholish Madjid (late) early morning stating, "Farewell the old and welcome the new government. "
- At 09.00 am, Suharto announced his resignation at 09.00 pm. Suharto then say thankyou and apologize to all the people and leave the Presidential Palace accompanied by his aide pages, Colonel (Kav) Issantoso and Colonel (Pol) Sutanto (later tobecome Chief of Police). Black Mercedes that host no longer police numbered B-1,but B 2044 AR.
- Vice President B.J. Habibie became the new president of Indonesia.
- General Wiranto said the armed forces will remain to protect the president and formerpresident, "Armed Forces will continue to maintain the safety and honor the formerpresident / mandatory MPR, including former President Soeharto and their families. "
- A debate on this transition process. Yusril Ihza Mahendra, one of the first to say that the process of devolution of power is legitimate and constitutional.
22 May 1998
- Habibie announced the composition of "Reform Cabinet. "
- Lt. Gen. Prabowo was removed from his position as Commander of the Army Strategic Reserve Command.
- In the House of Representatives / Assembly, clashes occurred between supporters ofHabibie's almost wearing of symbols and religious attributes to the students who stillsurvive at the House of Parliament. Students assume that Habibie was still part of the New Order Regime. Soldiers evacuated students from the House of Representatives / Assembly to the University of Atma Jaya.