Programming Language: Visual Basic 6.0
Database: SQL Server 2000
Latest Version: Revision 1 (Login, Menu, Post Master)
System Requirements: Visual Basic 6.0, Crystal Report 7, SQL Server 2000, Pentium III 800, 128 MB MemorySoftware needed to run the above program has been installed, with a minimum spec as above. Please extract the files below, and attach hotel_data.mdf into SQL Server, create the user as ownernya such as sa for the program accessible to set the default database to the database sa hotel. after that run the program, fill out the form to enter the server login with SQL server, username (sa) and SQL server user's password is
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Compared with earlier versions of development, there are some significant changes.maybe some things that need to be added are:
In order for the login form does not seem trite, may need to add a small image, such as keys or how to enhance your appearanceLanguage CANCEL on the login form should be replaced with Indonesian-speaking, though consistent, with a CANCEL for example,Keep a database name / user of the last login to the registry by using the procedure Savesetting, and call back the database name / user when the program re-run with function GetsettingSee the implementation of the following commands (note the bold):
Private Sub cmdok_Click ()
On Error GoTo Error
Dim DB As New ADODB.Connection
loginsuccesded = True
constring = constring & txtSERVER.Text
username = txtusername.Text
SaveSetting "PrjHotel", "frmLogin", "User Name", txtusername.Textpassworduser = txtpassworduser.Text
constring = "Provider = SQLOLEDB.1; Password =; persist Security Info = True; User ID =; Initial Catalog = hotel; Data Source ="
DB.Open constring, username, passworduser
Unload Me
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub net ()
txtSERVER.Text = "KOMP2"
txtusername.Text = GetSetting ("PrjHotel", "frmLogin", "User Name", "neng")txtpassworduser.Text = ""
End Subfrmtamu: After guest data stored / deleted, should be called Refresh event on ADODC with ADODC.Refresh command, because each storage, the data grid does not terrefresh, if storage is, new data does not show, if elimination is old data is not lostfrmtamu: when the guest code dientrikan, if data is not found, the procedure should be called the net to clear the form, to search existing data entered command is correct, but for data entry that is not there, still displayed the old datafrmtamu: diclick when the save button, the data should appear on the screen is removed, so that users feel confident that their data is storedI guess all that apply to guests also apply the same form for another formfrmkamar: as noted previously, that we do not need frmkamar, because all the services provided by hotel guests superimposed in frmjasa (table service), including service here is amunities, eat, drink, extra bed, conference room, and of course the room. Well, these services can be grouped by adding field types (like the earlier amunities, eating and drinking, rooms, etc.). So for example the code A01 to Room 201, type tends to be room. To add fasililtas room (tv, bed, refrigerator, fan, etc.), we can add a description field in the table service, so for another record field contains a null statementfrmjasa: for the unit should be a combo of: fruit, package, rooms, boxes, bottles, plates, etc. (just imagine, this frm includes all services that are owned by the hotel)weakness of the Child Form dimaximize is, we have difficulty to move from form 1 to form 2, when the form 1 has been opened before (God willing, will be discussed at the meeting tomorrow)remove tables in the database tbkamarfeatures that are needed in the front office of a hotel is the information that has clean rooms (ready made), and the rooms are booked, please lot of rethinking of how to make the entry, because the new program available now limited to the administrative room, which will ultimately produce a bill for the guests and report revenue for the leadership of hotels
Happy learning ...