Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Rumor: iPad 3 Will Have Featured 3D Screensavers

iPad 2 also released to the market two months ago, but the rumors related to the presence of the iPad would be 3, has been pushed on the virtual nature.

Interestingly, the rumors were mentioned several features that will be taken by iPad 3 islater, that the iPad 3 will have a display with3D capability.

"The fact that 3 is a 3D iPad is a sure bet," said Hollywood Insider, who quoted from the same source.

Not only that, iPad 3 also expected to be present with AMOLED screen yangg brighterand has a high resolution.

How is the development of 'hearsay' is later, we'll see.

Analysts: Microsoft likely to Acquire RIM?

In addition to the announcement of several new product lines from RIM, theBlackBerry World 2011 event held last weekend turned out to have 'guest' Anotherinteresting enough attention. The guest who makes 'surprise' is the boss of Microsoft,Steve Ballmer.

No doubt the presence of Steve Ballmer at a prestigious event that was held otherRIM-related triggering speculation that the purpose of his presence. Even an analyst,as reported by PCMag site, said Microsoft probably will acquire the Canadiancompany to increase its presence in the smartphone market.

Speculation is not without reason. The reason, as reported by phonearena, saidalthough hard to say, now RIM is central to lose momentum in the smartphone market.It was at least as evidenced by the decline in earnings and revenue experienced byRIM. No wonder if the condition is inviting responses from the parties in the industrywho agree that Windows Mobile Phone seems to be a solution to overcome theBlackBerry OS in the future.

In relation to a Parks Associates analyst Harry Wang, saying "Will Microsoft buy RIM?That is a possibility and is a shortcut for Microsoft to get a foothold in the business ofmobile devices. "

"RIM's market capitalization is only 25 billion dollars, and Microsoft has 48 billion U.S. dollars in cash. If the value of RIM fell to $ 15 billion dollars, it will become an attractivetarget for Microsoft. Maybe Steve Ballmer was planting seeds at the event expressedhis ideas on the BlackBerry World. "said Harry Wang.

How is the continuation of this story is not yet predictable. As a result, conclusions that lead to certainty Microsoft will buy RIM seems still too early to expressed. For thatwe'll just wait its development.

Defeat Nokia, Samsung Now Top Vendors with Most Mobile Phone Sales in Europe

Samsung seems to be increasingly close totarget that once the introduction to theworld's largest mobile phone vendor in 2014 .

Based on data released by International Data Corporation (IDC), noted that in the first quarter of this year Samsung for the first time successfully overthrew the Nokia as a vendor with the most mobile phone sales in Europe.

In the report Samsung sold 13.2 million mobile phone units with a market share of about 29.3%, while Nokia is only able to sell 12.6 million units with 27.9% market share.

With so sturdy Samsung mobile phone sales in Europe, Nokia is now the mainstronghold is in the region of Asia and Africa.

However, that position could have experienced a shift, considering that the Finnishmobile phone vendor is currently in transition from Symbian to Windows Phone. WhileSamsung recently looked so vigorous brisk mobile phone market, starting from thebottom segment to target the upper segment.

Especially if we see tremendous potential with the growth of cheap Android phone inthe market of developing countries. Where Samsung is also listed as a fairlydominant player in this segment.

Just for additional information on the Nokia smartphone segment also dikangkangi byother competitors, namely Apple. Recorded in the first quarter of this year, Applemanaged to ship as many as 4.4 million units of smartphones with a market share of about 20.8%. As for Nokia in the same quarter only around 4.2 million units shippedwith 19.6% market share.

Android Ice Cream Sandwich Will Roll in Q4 2011

Puzzle associated name of the next Android version has now been revealed. After aversion of Gingerbread and the Honeycomb, the future of Android will bear the name of the Ice Cream Sandwich.

The next version of OS Android will combine tablet and smartphone operating systemsinto a single operating system that will support all devices.

As an operating system that is universal Android Ice Cream Sandwich is claimed willbe able to adapt to the device with a specific form factor. Not only that, the Ice CreamSandwich is also going to come with new features, one of whom is a face-trackingfeature (facial recognition).

Android Ice Cream Sandwich, are reported to be slid in the fourth quarter (Q4) thisyear.

Insurance Program Source Code

Want to create an insurance program?
Here is a simple insurance program, please download the source code here with the entry: customers, consultants, and salespolicy. Programs created with Visual Basic 6.0, and reports using Seagate CrystalReport 7.0, please download the source code here.

Source Code Program Application For Hotels

Programming Language: Visual Basic 6.0

Database: SQL Server 2000

Latest Version: Revision 1 (Login, Menu, Post Master)

System Requirements: Visual Basic 6.0, Crystal Report 7, SQL Server 2000, Pentium III 800, 128 MB MemorySoftware needed to run the above program has been installed, with a minimum spec as above. Please extract the files below, and attach hotel_data.mdf into SQL Server, create the user as ownernya such as sa for the program accessible to set the default database to the database sa hotel. after that run the program, fill out the form to enter the server login with SQL server, username (sa) and SQL server user's password is
Download Source Code
Compared with earlier versions of development, there are some significant changes.maybe some things that need to be added are:
In order for the login form does not seem trite, may need to add a small image, such as keys or how to enhance your appearanceLanguage CANCEL on the login form should be replaced with Indonesian-speaking, though consistent, with a CANCEL for example,Keep a database name / user of the last login to the registry by using the procedure Savesetting, and call back the database name / user when the program re-run with function GetsettingSee the implementation of the following commands (note the bold):

Private Sub cmdok_Click ()

On Error GoTo Error

Dim DB As New ADODB.Connection

loginsuccesded = True

constring = constring & txtSERVER.Text

username = txtusername.Text

SaveSetting "PrjHotel", "frmLogin", "User Name", txtusername.Textpassworduser = txtpassworduser.Text

constring = "Provider = SQLOLEDB.1; Password =; persist Security Info = True; User ID =; Initial Catalog = hotel; Data Source ="

DB.Open constring, username, passworduser

Unload Me


Exit Sub



End Sub

Private Sub net ()

txtSERVER.Text = "KOMP2"

txtusername.Text = GetSetting ("PrjHotel", "frmLogin", "User Name", "neng")txtpassworduser.Text = ""

End Subfrmtamu: After guest data stored / deleted, should be called Refresh event on ADODC with ADODC.Refresh command, because each storage, the data grid does not terrefresh, if storage is, new data does not show, if elimination is old data is not lostfrmtamu: when the guest code dientrikan, if data is not found, the procedure should be called the net to clear the form, to search existing data entered command is correct, but for data entry that is not there, still displayed the old datafrmtamu: diclick when the save button, the data should appear on the screen is removed, so that users feel confident that their data is storedI guess all that apply to guests also apply the same form for another formfrmkamar: as noted previously, that we do not need frmkamar, because all the services provided by hotel guests superimposed in frmjasa (table service), including service here is amunities, eat, drink, extra bed, conference room, and of course the room. Well, these services can be grouped by adding field types (like the earlier amunities, eating and drinking, rooms, etc.). So for example the code A01 to Room 201, type tends to be room. To add fasililtas room (tv, bed, refrigerator, fan, etc.), we can add a description field in the table service, so for another record field contains a null statementfrmjasa: for the unit should be a combo of: fruit, package, rooms, boxes, bottles, plates, etc. (just imagine, this frm includes all services that are owned by the hotel)weakness of the Child Form dimaximize is, we have difficulty to move from form 1 to form 2, when the form 1 has been opened before (God willing, will be discussed at the meeting tomorrow)remove tables in the database tbkamarfeatures that are needed in the front office of a hotel is the information that has clean rooms (ready made), and the rooms are booked, please lot of rethinking of how to make the entry, because the new program available now limited to the administrative room, which will ultimately produce a bill for the guests and report revenue for the leadership of hotels
Happy learning ...

Between Windows, Linux and Mac OS

For the current operating system is dominated by 3 main OS is Windows, MacOS and Linux. Windows has a percentage of the greatest number of users, about 90% of the general user / consumer using a family of Windows, MacOS followed by 8% and the rest of Linux, Solaris, etc..
The first time you know computers, I use this operating system. Until even now, I still use windows. Because from the beginning already familiar with this operating system, I prefer to use this OS than with others.
Advantages of windows including a convenient GUI, many compatible and stable software running on these operating systems, installation of software / drivers that easy, there is rarely an incompatible computer hardware, the availability of commercial games on windows platforms than most other OS.
The weakness of the windows operating system is often hangs and susceptible viruses, the license price is quite expensive. In terms of safety, researchers and computer scientists in America claimed to find weaknesses in any version of Windows software. This allows DOS (Denial Of Service) attack your computer and control the computer remotely. Imagine when the hackers were able toggling
 your computer every time. Microsoft is rumored to have been aware of it and will conduct further investigations to ensure that these weaknesses.For details, about this weakness on the net.
Open Source that I have ever used is Linux. Even then, I use it only from the live cd to work on several tasks such as knowing the basic commands in linux and create a program in C or when a particular lab that the material needs of this operating system. I have never installed it, because it was already comfortable with windows, too lazy to install the programs needed when I have to reinstall.
The advantages of linux is a free license and open source, not susceptible viruses and malware, many in use in the network. While creating a program in C language, do not need to install the compiler like dev-cpp etc. since been integrated into Linux.Another advantage I get from the articles I read is that users have many options for the operating system Linux and uses Linux distributions that fit the tastes and needs, the completeness of software that was taken and ready for use as open office, freely modified and redistributed as needed
Lack of Linux is that many users who are not familiar with Linux and still 'Windows minded', the Linux application packages must be downloaded manually, hardware detection, sometimes less support for some hardware vendors that are closed and the hardware source code. If can, use of hardware is not optimal because it is generally recognized as the peripheral hardware is generic, the many technical terms because linux is one of the UNIX family of operating systems so that sounds a bit complicated, too technical and hard to learn, Linux is not a good OS for gamers, game developers support commercial for linux is very minimal.
Mac OS, which means the Macintosh Operating System, or Macintosh operating system, Apple computer is the operating system for Apple Macintosh computers.Mac OS is the first operating system that uses a graphical user interface (Graphical User Interface - GUI).
Macintosh was developed from BSD, which is one derivative of Unix. I have not used this operating system. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of MacOS from various articles I read.
The advantages of the Mac OS:
• Not susceptible to viruses.
Designed with security oriented, Mac OS is not plagued by constant attacks from viruses and malware PC. But neither will slow you down with a security warning
constant and other interruptions.
• High Performance.
Especially on Mac OS X - with latest Intel processors and other best innovations, the Mac can do all things that only Macs can do - with amazing speed. Mac provides innovative features and powerful, like the Dock feature, time machine, spaces.
• User-friendly
With the appearance of the GUI is very attractive, making the Mac OS as one of the OS that much in demand especially by graphic designers and for those new to learn computers.
• Software
Commercial software vendor support for the Mac is better than Linux, such as Adobe, Ms. Mac version of Office available, even, Photoshop when I first appeared only supports the Mac.
• Hardware
Support of Mac hardware manufacturers is quite good, quite a lot of hardware manufacturers that provide hardware drivers for the Mac.
Lack of Mac OS:
Many take place in the memory (RAM) while running, on average, 635mb, as compared with windows 7 (550MB) or ubuntu (280mb). Mac also includes expensive for some people. Mac can not because Apple has built itself does not give license to other companies to make hardware that can use the Mac OS.