Wednesday 11 May 2011

Between Windows, Linux and Mac OS

For the current operating system is dominated by 3 main OS is Windows, MacOS and Linux. Windows has a percentage of the greatest number of users, about 90% of the general user / consumer using a family of Windows, MacOS followed by 8% and the rest of Linux, Solaris, etc..
The first time you know computers, I use this operating system. Until even now, I still use windows. Because from the beginning already familiar with this operating system, I prefer to use this OS than with others.
Advantages of windows including a convenient GUI, many compatible and stable software running on these operating systems, installation of software / drivers that easy, there is rarely an incompatible computer hardware, the availability of commercial games on windows platforms than most other OS.
The weakness of the windows operating system is often hangs and susceptible viruses, the license price is quite expensive. In terms of safety, researchers and computer scientists in America claimed to find weaknesses in any version of Windows software. This allows DOS (Denial Of Service) attack your computer and control the computer remotely. Imagine when the hackers were able toggling
 your computer every time. Microsoft is rumored to have been aware of it and will conduct further investigations to ensure that these weaknesses.For details, about this weakness on the net.
Open Source that I have ever used is Linux. Even then, I use it only from the live cd to work on several tasks such as knowing the basic commands in linux and create a program in C or when a particular lab that the material needs of this operating system. I have never installed it, because it was already comfortable with windows, too lazy to install the programs needed when I have to reinstall.
The advantages of linux is a free license and open source, not susceptible viruses and malware, many in use in the network. While creating a program in C language, do not need to install the compiler like dev-cpp etc. since been integrated into Linux.Another advantage I get from the articles I read is that users have many options for the operating system Linux and uses Linux distributions that fit the tastes and needs, the completeness of software that was taken and ready for use as open office, freely modified and redistributed as needed
Lack of Linux is that many users who are not familiar with Linux and still 'Windows minded', the Linux application packages must be downloaded manually, hardware detection, sometimes less support for some hardware vendors that are closed and the hardware source code. If can, use of hardware is not optimal because it is generally recognized as the peripheral hardware is generic, the many technical terms because linux is one of the UNIX family of operating systems so that sounds a bit complicated, too technical and hard to learn, Linux is not a good OS for gamers, game developers support commercial for linux is very minimal.
Mac OS, which means the Macintosh Operating System, or Macintosh operating system, Apple computer is the operating system for Apple Macintosh computers.Mac OS is the first operating system that uses a graphical user interface (Graphical User Interface - GUI).
Macintosh was developed from BSD, which is one derivative of Unix. I have not used this operating system. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of MacOS from various articles I read.
The advantages of the Mac OS:
• Not susceptible to viruses.
Designed with security oriented, Mac OS is not plagued by constant attacks from viruses and malware PC. But neither will slow you down with a security warning
constant and other interruptions.
• High Performance.
Especially on Mac OS X - with latest Intel processors and other best innovations, the Mac can do all things that only Macs can do - with amazing speed. Mac provides innovative features and powerful, like the Dock feature, time machine, spaces.
• User-friendly
With the appearance of the GUI is very attractive, making the Mac OS as one of the OS that much in demand especially by graphic designers and for those new to learn computers.
• Software
Commercial software vendor support for the Mac is better than Linux, such as Adobe, Ms. Mac version of Office available, even, Photoshop when I first appeared only supports the Mac.
• Hardware
Support of Mac hardware manufacturers is quite good, quite a lot of hardware manufacturers that provide hardware drivers for the Mac.
Lack of Mac OS:
Many take place in the memory (RAM) while running, on average, 635mb, as compared with windows 7 (550MB) or ubuntu (280mb). Mac also includes expensive for some people. Mac can not because Apple has built itself does not give license to other companies to make hardware that can use the Mac OS.

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